Microsoft Research

324 тыс
49.9 млн
9 232
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 48:33
The Final Conclusion of the Dune Series
Frank Herbert wrote over 30 bestselling books during his lifetime, including the now classic six novels set in the Dune universe.
25 735
07.09.16 1:11:26
The Trouble With Physics
Theoretical physicist Smolin argues that the study of physics has lost its way in the past two decades, largely because string theory has captured the imagination of both the public and some
25 312
16.11.16 7:47
KinectFusion: Real-time 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera
KinectFusion enables a user holding and moving a standard Kinect camera to rapidly create detailed 3D reconstructions of an indoor scene.
25 226
12.07.17 2:35
Seeing AI app - Product Channel
Product Channel gives audio beeps to help locate barcodes and then scans them to identify products. Seeing AI is a free app that narrates the world around you.
25 176
29.03.21 1:16:58
Foundations of causal inference and its impacts on machine learning webinar
Many key data science tasks are about decision-making. They require understanding the causes of an event and how to take action to improve future outcomes.
24 883
10.06.15 2:11
Project Premonition: Seeking to prevent disease outbreaks
A new Microsoft Research project aims to use autonomous drones, cutting-edge molecular biology and advanced cloud-based data analytics to detect early signs that potentially harmful diseases are
24 608
08.08.16 38:49
Memristors: The Future of Computer Memory and Neuromorphic Circuits?
The memristor is a new 2-terminal electronic element that complements the classic repertoire of fundamental circuit components consisting of the resistor, inductor and capacitor.
24 525
07.09.16 53:55
Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain
It is time to debunk the long standing idea that consciousness is somehow separate from the body, as we look at astounding new evidence that proves it is, in fact a biological process created by the
24 465
149 дней 23:42
Research Forum Keynote: Research in the Era of AI
Microsoft Research Forum, January 30, 2024 Peter Lee, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Research and Incubations, discusses how recent developments in AI have transformed the way Microsoft
24 445
12.03.18 28:54
Deep Learning Approach for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification
Extreme classification is a rapidly growing research area focusing on multi-class and multi-label problems involving an extremely large number of labels.
24 113
06.12.19 44:35
Onnx And Onnx Runtime
What is the universal inference engine for neural networks? Tensorflow? PyTorch? Keras?
24 037
18.08.16 2:06:36
Tutorial: Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness
The science of consciousness has made great strides by focusing on the behavioral and neuronal correlates of experience.
23 680
13.06.16 1:21
DNA Strand Displacement
A 3D animation of DNA strand displacement.
23 650
25.02.15 3:03
Microsoft Research Expands Microsoft Band Productivity Functionality
Microsoft researchers’ innovations add a virtual keyboard and voice replies to Microsoft Band, along with machine-learning enhancements to canned responses.
23 133
17.08.16 1:05:14
Getting More: How to Negotiate to Achieve Your Goals in the Real World
What passes for negotiation in most of the world ΓÇô threats, power plays, walking out, invoking alternatives, win-wins, good cop/bad cop techniques, actually invoke resentment and retaliation, from
23 086
18.08.16 3:31
Introduces the Joulemeter software energy monitoring tool developed at MSR.
23 014
02.04.18 1:08:14
Neural Models for Information Retrieval
In the last few years, neural representation learning approaches have achieved very good performance on many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, such as language modeling and machine translation.
22 793
12.06.17 3:11
Azure4Research helps Polish university accelerate biomedical analysis 59 times
The Laboratory of Biomedical Database Systems at the Silesian University of Technology provides various algorithmic solutions for protein analysis.
22 770
05.02.16 2:27
A Panorama of the Skies - Immersive Art Installation
A Panorama of the Skies is an audiovisual installation created in collaboration between Maja Petrić, an artist, and Hrvoje Benko, a human-computer interaction researcher at Microsoft Research.
22 535
09.09.16 49:53
Bicycle: The History
Because we live in an age of cross-country bicycle racing and high-tech mountain bikes, we may overlook the decades of development and ingenuity that transformed the basic concept of human-powered
22 435
20.10.16 7:14
Aerophones in Flatland: Interactive Wave Simulation of Wind Instruments
We present the first real-time technique to synthesize full bandwidth sounds for 2D virtual wind instruments.
22 412
06.06.12 5:15
Become a Time Traveler with ChronoZoom
ChronoZoom is an open-source community project dedicated to visualizing the history of everything.
22 278
31.05.19 53:21
Scaling Write-Intensive Key-Value Stores
In recent years, the log-structured merge-tree (LSM-tree) has become the mainstream core data structure used by key-value stores to ingest and persist data quickly.
22 233
13.11.17 0:57
Autonomous car research with AirSim
AirSim, a Microsoft research project for developing autonomous vehicles, now includes car simulation. The new version is available now on GitHub as an open-source, cross-platform offering.
22 186
15.05.17 56:00
Generalizing Convolutions for Deep Learning
Arguably, most excitement about deep learning revolves around the performance of convolutional neural networks and their ability to automatically extract useful features from signals.
22 085
07.09.16 59:44
The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No and Still Get to Yes
In thirty years of negotiation work, William Ury has learned that the most essential skill in negotiating and resolving conflicts is the one the vast majority of us have the most difficulty
21 969
17.04.15 0:56
All hands, no keyboard: New Handpose technology can track detailed hand motion
Researchers at Microsoft have developed a system that can track – in real time – all the sophisticated and nuanced hand motions that people make in their everyday lives.
21 955
12.02.18 2:53
Microsoft Translator for Education: Communicate with Students
Learn how Microsoft Translator can be used to help teachers better communicate with students who are non-native speakers, deaf or hard of hearing, dyslexic, or having trouble taking notes.
21 950
07.07.16 1:30
Microsoft and University of Washington DNA Storage Research Project
Scientists from Microsoft and the University of Washington have reached an early but important milestone in synthetic DNA storage by storing 200 megabytes of data on the molecular strands.
21 889
22.01.14 1:46
Stroke Recovery with Kinect
Learn how Kinect is being used to help people with motor recovery after a stroke.
21 866
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