Azure4Research helps Polish university accelerate biomedical analysis 59 times

22 740
Опубликовано 12 июня 2017, 17:31
The Laboratory of Biomedical Database Systems at the Silesian University of Technology provides various algorithmic solutions for protein analysis.

Protein analysis is key for medical diagnostics and requires efficient computational resources since there are terabytes of data coming from patient samples. Laboratories do not usually have the appropriate hardware equipment to process these data in a reasonable time, which causes a major bottleneck in the discovery process.

Dr. Dariusz Mrozek turned to Microsoft to solve this challenge by using Hadoop on Azure. With the cloud, he didn’t have to buy new hardware to start with Hadoop and could easily jump from any new research idea directly to action. Calculations for protein analysis, which used to take several days, are now completed in less than 2 hours. Azure enabled Dr. Mrozek and his team to spend less time on IT and more time on their research, and ultimately contribute to finding new cancer therapies.