The Final Conclusion of the Dune Series

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Опубликовано 6 сентября 2016, 16:34
Frank Herbert wrote over 30 bestselling books during his lifetime, including the now classic six novels set in the Dune universe. The first book, Dune, won both the Nebula and Hugo awards and is still the worldΓÇÖs bestselling science fiction novel. When Frank Herbert died in 1986 he left behind the outlines for the continuation of the Dune saga, though they were hidden in two safe deposit boxes for over a decade. Following his death his son Brian Herbert compiled a massive Dune concordance and then, with writer Kevin J. Anderson, completed the saga with two trilogies and most recently Hunters of Dune. Herbert and Anderson will be here to discuss their collaboration on these books and their final grand climax to the Dune Chronicles, Sandworms of Dune, where key figures from the Dune saga continue to fight for the survival of the human species.