A Season's End - TrackBattle Episode 5 [4k]

60 784
09.12.17 – 1 892 01711:43
Where are the Car Girls? (4k)
256 дней – 2 998 6650:42
Brake failure on racetrack!
Опубликовано 2 декабря 2017, 14:00
After the hype of the #GRIDLIFE South Road Atlanta festival, we have the final event of the season. This last round brings us back to Gingerman Raceway, where the first festival event of the season was held. This final round brings it back to the core of what Gridlife is all about: good, clean, fun, racing.

Special Thanks to these Gridlife sponsors:
-BC Racing
-Honeywell Garrett
-Speed Freaks USA
-Stance Suspension

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @gearsandgasoline

Contact us via email at: gearsandgasoline@gmail.com

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You can buy our stickers here: vinylspec.com/store/p5/Gears_a...

All music license with artlist.io
The Great Escape by Ian Post
Wildlife by Time Off
On the Way by The Robbery
Instrumental by Alex Keren
Call on Me by Kick Lee