Exhaust Cut Outs Give Your Vehicle a Split Personality

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EricTheCarGuy1.82 млн
14.09.23 – 16 2090:58
The Integra GSR Gets New Brakes
Опубликовано 30 ноября 2018, 10:22
I’ve installed not one, but 2 exhaust cut outs on my #FairmontProject. The first cut out didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped. The second cut out, which I install in this video, worked out much better.

I will be making a video about the wiring and switch installation at a later date. Like I said in the video though, it’s really not difficult. All you need is power, ground, and a place to mount the switch. The rest is covered in this video.

Camera: Brian Kast, Eric Cook

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Dougs Exhaust Cut Out 3”: jegs.com/i/Dougs-Headers/776/D...

Race Ready Exhaust Cut Out 3”: jegs.com/i/Race-Ready/815/RRP-...

Y Pipe with Flange: jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/30752/1000...

A Flange You Don’t Have to Cut a Hole In: jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/30991/1000...

Turn Down: jegs.com/i/Dougs-Headers/776/D...


Milwaukee Band Saw: milwaukeetool.com/Products/Pow...

Welder: longevity-inc.com/migweld-140

Plasma Cutter: longevity-inc.com/forcecut-40d

My Crimpers that Broke: jbtoolsales.com/sg-tool-aid-18...

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