1990-2002 Honda F Series Timing Belt Replacement VManual (Trailer) - EricTheCarGuy

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EricTheCarGuy1.82 млн
Опубликовано 21 апреля 2010, 16:48
Click here for more info: ericthecarguy.com/vmanuals/22-...

This video covers the complete timing belt and water pump replacement for the 1990-2002 Honda Accord. It is a fastener by fastener account of every step of this process including a complete list of tools you will need. If you started the job and can't get the engine back in time I will show you how to do it from scratch and get you back on track. I will also show you how to remove the crank bolt without using special tools, that alone is worth the price of this DVD! Also covered in the video is the replacement of the front engine seals and the installation of the balance shaft seal retainer. So if you are thinking about doing this job yourself to save time and money this is the video for you! You can also use this video if you are performing this service on a 2.2 or 2.3 Acura CL.

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