Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
12.08.16 1:06:19
Lines, Shading, and the Perception of 3D Shape
Humans can easily see 3D shape from single 2D images, exploiting multiple kinds of information.
12.08.16 40:58
StreamSVM: Linear SVMs When Data Does Not Fit In Memory
StreamSVM is a solver for Linear SVMs that exploits the different speeds of computing on the CPU and accessing data from disk.
12.08.16 54:57
Riemannian Mean of Positive Definite Matrices
Positive definite matrices arise in several contexts: quantum mechanics, statistics, machine learning, image processing, elasticity etc. Various notions of averaging are useful in different contexts.
12.08.16 39:49
A Proximal Point Algorithm For Log-Determinant Optimization With Group Lazzo Regularization
Many applications of statistical learning involve estimating a sparse covariance matrix from a sample set of random variables.
12.08.16 11:11
12.08.16 1:04:35
Predicting (and Understanding) the 2012 Election
For more than 75 years, elections forecasting has been staticΓÇöask a random sample of a representative group of voters who they would vote for if the election were held today, and then report the
12.08.16 45:38
Small Variance Asymptotics, Bayesian Nonparametrics, and k-means
Bayesian approaches to clustering permit great flexibility existing models can handle cases when the number of clusters is not known upfront, or when one wants to share clusters across multiple data
12.08.16 9:03
Probabilistic Model for Scene Text Recognition
Microsoft Research – 12 августа 2016, 2:07
12.08.16 1:40:21
The Changing Landscape of Parallel Computing ΓÇô II
Juan Vargas from Microsoft chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2012. This session continues with the theme ΓÇ£The Changing Landscape of Parallel ComputingΓÇ¥.
12.08.16 52:13
Computing Elliptic Curves over Q(√5)
I will discuss creating (conjectural) tables of elliptic curves over Q(√5) ordered by conductor up to the first curve of rank 2.
12.08.16 1:13:01
The Changing Landscape of Parallel Computing - Tools (Testing and Debugging)
11:00ΓÇô12:00: Tools (Testing and Debugging) (UIUC 30 mins) (UCB 15 mins)(MSFT 15 mins) Darko Marinov (UIUC): Immunity + Pennelope (15 mins) Dany Dig (UIUC): Refactoring (15 mins) Koushik Sen(UCB)
12.08.16 1:27:04
ChronoZoom: Bridging the Gap Between the Humanities and Sciences
Rane Johnson from Microsoft Research chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2012.
12.08.16 48:19
Robust Subspace Modeling
Consider a dataset of vector-valued observations that consists of a modest number of noisy inliers, which are explained well by a low-dimensional subspace, along with a large number of outliers
12.08.16 43:24
New Results in the Theory of Clustering
The k-means algorithm is still the most popular clustering algorithm in practice. Even though it is known to perform very well in practice, it does not give any approximation guarantees.
12.08.16 36:42
The Multi-Armed Bandit Problem and Thompson Sampling
I will give an introduction to the basic multi-armed bandit problem, mention some of its many variants, and time permitting give an indication of proof techniques.
11 586
12.08.16 11:09
Result Aggregation and Risk Estimation in Crowdsourcing
Microsoft Research – 12 августа 2016, 2:05
12.08.16 11:21
Random Features for Kernel Learning
Microsoft Research – 12 августа 2016, 2:05
3 749
12.08.16 1:29:12
The Role of Technology in Human Trafficking
danah boyd from Microsoft Research chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2012.
1 577
12.08.16 1:06:57
Summer Number Theory Day; Session 2
SPEAKER: Kiran Kedlaya TITLE: The Robbins phenomenon: unexpected numerical stability in p-adic arithmetic ABSTRACT: Since one cannot represent an arbitrary real number on a computer, it is standard
1 054
12.08.16 1:27:58
The Changing Landscape of Parallel Computing - Programming Systems
9:00-10:30: Programming Systems David Padua (UIUC): Abstractions for Parallel Programming (15 mins) Armando Fox, Shoaib Kamil (UC Berkeley): SEJITS (30 mins) David Callahan (Microsoft): C++ AMP (30
12.08.16 53:42
Botnet Detection Using Structured Graph Analysis
As corporations, agencies, and individuals continue to invest in national infrastructure trusting it to withstand cyber-attacks, it is important to ensure that the this trust is warranted.
1 696
12.08.16 36:34
Randomized Dimensionality Reduction in Machine Learning
We show how certain random projections and random sampling methods can be used to design efficient dimensionality reduction techniques for two popular machine learning problems: (i) K-means
1 581
12.08.16 34:18
Outlier Purusit: Robust PCA and Coolaborative Filtering
Principal Component Analysis is one of the most widely used techniques for dimensionality reduction. Nevertheless, it is plagued by sensitivity to outliers; finding robust analogs is critical.
2 674
12.08.16 1:35:31
Big Heritage, Big Quilts, and Big Canvases
Donald Brinkman from Microsoft Research chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2012.
12.08.16 55:39
Summer Number Theory Day; Session 4 - Derivatives of $p$-adic $L$-functions
We will discuss a new approach to proving the Ferrero-Greenberg formula for the derivative of a Kubota-Leoplodt $p$-adic $L$-function at $s=0$.
12.08.16 1:27:04
The Changing Landscape of Parallel Computing ΓÇô I
Juan Vargas from Microsoft chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2012.
12.08.16 1:04:40
The Changing Landscape of Parallel Computing - Architecture
3:30-4:30: Architecture (Intel, UIUC, UCB (20 mins each) Joseph Torrellas (UIUC): The Bulk Architecture (20 mins) Krste Asanovic (UCB): ΓÇ£21st Century Computer Architecture ResearchΓÇ¥ Tim Mattson
12.08.16 53:01
The Changing Landscape of Parallel Computing: Can Industry & Academia Collaborations be Effective?
4:30ΓÇô5:30: Panel: UPCRC; Can Industry & Academia Collaborations be Effective? Dave Patterson (UCB) Burton Smith, Jim Larus (Microsoft) Tim Mattson (Intel) Josep Torrellas (UIUC)
12.08.16 10:54
Learning Hierarchical Similarity Metrics
Categories in multi-class data are often part of an underlying semantic taxonomy.
12.08.16 10:11
Learning to Identify Author : A ML Approach to Forensic Linguistic
Microsoft Research – 12 августа 2016, 2:01
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