Botnet Detection Using Structured Graph Analysis

1 671
15.02.23 – 2 47414:39
Responsible AI Tracker Tour
Опубликовано 12 августа 2016, 2:04
As corporations, agencies, and individuals continue to invest in national infrastructure trusting it to withstand cyber-attacks, it is important to ensure that the this trust is warranted. In this talk, I will present ISP level countermeasures that localise bots based on the unique communication patterns arising from their overlay topologies used for command and control. I will also present schemes that allow ISPs to cooperatively detect botnet attacks and other network anomalies without leaking private traffic information. Experimental results on synthetic topologies embedded within Internet traffic traces from an ISP's backbone network indicate that our techniques (i) can localize the majority of bots with low false positive rate, (ii) are resilient to the partial visibility arising from partial deployment of monitoring systems, and measurement inaccuracies arising from partial visibility and dynamics of background traffic, and (iii) are scalable enough to show good promise as a key element of a wider network anomaly detection framework.