Pocketnow Weekly 047: webOS sentimentalism, Nokia EOS photos, & a whole lotta outtakes

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Опубликовано 6 июня 2013, 18:22
Sometimes you get listener mail that asks how the band got together in the first place. Sometimes that happens the day after you drop some nostalgic sentimentalism all over the internet. Sometimes, simultaneously, there are some sweet, juicy rumors and leaks about a top-of-the-line camera phone with what looks like a moon crater on it.

Sometimes you gotta put all that into a podcast with the original cadre of Pocketnow 'casters, and see what comes out.

All that, plus the longest outtake reel in the history of Pocketnow, the first-ever mention of Sir Thomas Crapper on a tech podcast (probably), and a look into how our most sentimental webOS unboxing came to be, after the break. We've fired up Luna and spread the cards on the desktop; this week's installation of the Pocketnow Weekly podcast is about ready to be stacked onto your listening queue. Send feedback, questions, and requests to podcast [AT] pocketnow [DOT] com. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus to stay apprised of the latest episodes. Thanks for listening!

Pocketnow Weekly Episode 047

Recording Date



Michael Fisher

Brandon Miniman

Anton D. Nagy

Topic List

Misc (00:01:47)

Reader Visvajit Vikram asks how the Pocketnow team came together

We are Pocketnow

Meet Pocketnow's Anton D. Nagy

Meet Pocketnow's Adam Z. Lein

webOS (00:12:12)

Hello, old friend: Palm Pre Throwback Unboxing

Thought Thread (00:15:15)

"What grinds my gears:" the WiFi/cellular handoff problem

Where have all the small phones gone?

Why do small smartphones have to suck on the spec sheet?

Android (00:25:15)

Sony to be next with Google-Edition phone?

Google Edition phones will be a boon to HTC, Samsung, Google - and you

Google makes stock Android keyboard available on Play Store

Xperia Tablet Z review

Galaxy S 4 Mini vs HTC One Mini: which should you get?

Galaxy S 4 Active official

Windows Phone (00:46:25)

Nokia EOS leak - pics from all angles

Nokia Lumia 928 review

Listener Mail (00:58:50)

Mrigank Rai asks about the possibility of an HTC-sourced Siri, Rod Sarmiento asks for our views on smartphone warranties and insurance, and William Li tries to decide between a Surface Pro and a MacBook Air!


Thanks for listening!

Tune in next week for more!

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Pocketnow Weekly 047: webOS sentimentalism, Nokia EOS photos, & a whole lotta outtakes
