Chickens Can't Fly Xbox LIVE for Windows Phone Game Preview | Pocketnow

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Pocketnow1.82 млн
Опубликовано 14 февраля 2012, 14:50
We first saw "Chickens Can't Fly" at Comic-Con New York last year and it looked entertaining. This week it will finally be available on February 15th for $2.99 in the Windows Phone Marketplace and in addition to the humorous cartoon-style game play, it has a few other special features. This is the first Xbox LIVE Windows Phone game to support live tiles and multiple live tiles. If you pin the game to your start screen it will occasionally flip over to show your current progress. You can also pin different laboratories to your start screen for quick access to whichever level you're working on. Oh, it also includes a number of free ringtones gifts that you can install on your phone. You don't have to unlock the ringtones by playing the game like you do in Full House Poker.

Playing the game is quite fun. It's basically a chicken falling through a chute and you have to control which way the chicken falls in order to avoid sharp objects that will kill you. You'll also want to collect pieces of corn along the way, and there are numerous power-ups that can give you the power to slow down, go faster, automatically collect corn, become invincable, etc. There are also bad (red) power ups that may make the game more difficult. Some of these could block your view, make the whole screen wavey, or make your chicken very fat. We've only had a short time to play the game before its release, but it's quite entertaining.


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Chickens Can't Fly Xbox LIVE for Windows Phone Game Preview | Pocketnow
