LG G4 camera thoughts and the future of TechnoBuffalo (ATB)

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TechnoBuffalo1.63 млн
06.05.15 – 249 5024:10
Apple Watch: 5 apps you need to try!
Опубликовано 5 мая 2015, 0:00
On this episode of Ask the Buffalo, Jon tells us if you should get the LG G4 now or wait for the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and how he is enjoying the Google Nexus 9 as his main tablet. Jon also tells us what plans he has for TechnoBuffalo over the next 5 years and how LG’s new flagship compares to a full-sized DSLR.

Read more: bit.ly/1JMS7X5
LG G4 camera samples: bit.ly/1HYQzXR

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