Opera Coast Hands-On - A Beautiful Browser With Some Neat Tricks

38 172
TechnoBuffalo1.64 млн
31.12.14 – 43 2794:50
What’s On My Desk: Mark L.
Опубликовано 30 декабря 2014, 19:28
If you're an iOS user, more than likely you've stuck with the included Safari browser just for ease. There are other choices out there, but most folks just tend to stick with the pre-installed one because it's right there at their fingertips. But perhaps it's time you look to something else, and from a name that is fairly well-known.

Opera has a new browser for iOS devices called Opera Coast that offers you a lot of handy features that should make your browsing experience not only a better one, but more secure as well. MORE: bit.ly/1A8JlhI

Opera Coast for iPhone & iPad: opr.as/tbcoast

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This video was sponsored by Opera.
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