Marks & Spencer - Office 365 real time productivity

10 675
26.09.16 – 23 6990:52
Tap for Microsoft Word and Outlook
213 дней – 13 8380:24
Copilot in Word | Gain focus time
Опубликовано 23 августа 2016, 20:23
Marks & Spencer (M&S) boasts a tradition of personal customer service that goes back to the 1880s when it catered to customers in towns across the UK. Today, M&S operates on a global scale in an evolving, competitive retail market. Because M&S employees use Microsoft Office 365 to connect in real time with colleagues across the world, they still provide the same responsive service. With Office 365 facilitating a new digital mindset and a mobile work environment, M&S employees are also more efficient and productive. ​