Polymer 2.0 in 2.0 seconds: Upgrading Projects Large and Small (Polymer Summit 2016)

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Опубликовано 17 октября 2016, 13:02
Do you dread upgrading your giant world-spanning tree of Polymer elements? Or maybe you've got a handful of small but widely used elements that you'd like to upgrade without leaving your users in the lurch or maintaining two branches? No worries, Peter Burnsand the Polymer team have your back!

Missed the summit? Catch the recordings at: polymer-project.org/summit

Or watch more videos here: goo.gl/XDWHzT

Subscribe to the channel: youtube.com/chromedevelopers

Find out more: polymer-project.org/summit

Music by Terra Monk: goo.gl/9BkpNH
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