Exploring New Realities - Art Center College of Design

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HTC Vive59.4 тыс
13.01.17 – 11 5644:09
HTC Vive CES 2017 Full Recap
114 дней – 18 5790:20
A Peek at What’s Coming From HTC VIVE
Опубликовано 12 января 2017, 17:33
In our new series Exploring New Realities we take a look at how different industries are using Vive outside of gaming.

At Art Center College of Design the faculty have recently incorporated Vive into a new VR curriculum named VR: A New Lens in which students learn to develop experiences from beginning to end while using the HTC Vive.

To learn more about ACCD: artcenter.edu
To learn more about Vive: vive.com