AWS re:Invent 2015 | (DVO207) Defending Your Workloads Against the Next Zero-Day Attack

Опубликовано 9 октября 2015, 22:39
When serious vulnerabilities like Shellshock or Heartbleed are discovered, you know you should respond quickly. But when you’re juggling many priorities and are more comfortable developing apps than security policies, emergency updates may fall to the bottom of the list. Is there a better way to protect your workloads without a lot of work?

In AWS, your entire deployment and infrastructure is code. Your security controls have to take the same approach. When your entire stack is code, you can automate protection for zero-day vulnerabilities, without impacting your architecture or adding operational burden.

In this session, you’ll learn how to respond and recover from the next zero-day vulnerability. Using real-world examples, you’ll see how you can combine AWS features, such as security groups, VPCs, and IAM roles with workload-aware security controls like intrusion prevention to automate your defenses.

Learn simple and easy-to-deploy security techniques that protect your workloads, but don’t require a PhD in cybersecurity.  Session sponsored by Trend Micro.