AWS re:Invent 2014 | (ENT210) Accelerating Business Innovation with DevOps on AWS

Опубликовано 20 ноября 2014, 17:38
"IT must innovate at the speed of market change and many enterprises are realizing that DevOps and cloud computing are a means to this end. Cloud-based DevOps solutions that enforce fine-grain governance policies and automate software releases across the development tool chain can accelerate application time to market while also improving software quality. In this session, attendees learn the following:
- How cloud and DevOps together can significantly accelerate software release cycles, so you can speed business innovation and gain competitive advantage
- Best practices for leveraging CSC Agility Platform, AWS, and a hybrid IT strategy for DevOps
- How to eliminate software release bottlenecks via policy-based automation, orchestration, and governance of application deployment environments.
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