NoSQL Revolution - Under the Covers of Distributed Systems at Scale (SPOT401) | AWS re:Invent 2013

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Опубликовано 29 ноября 2013, 18:07
The Dynamo paper started a revolution in distributed systems. The contributions from this paper are still impacting the design and practices of some of the world's largest distributed systems, including those at and beyond. Building distributed systems is hard, but our goal in this session is to simplify the complexity of this topic to empower the hacker in you! Have you been bitten by the eventual consistency bug lately? We show you how to tame eventual consistency and make it a great scaling asset. As you scale up, you must be ready to deal with node, rack, and data center failure. We share insights on how to limit the blast radius of the individual components of your system, battle tested techniques for simulating failures (network partitions, data center failure), and how we used core distributed systems fundamentals to build highly scalable, performance, durable, and resilient systems. Come watch us uncover the secret sauce behind Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, and the fundamental tenents that define them as Internet scale services. To turn this session into a hacker's dream, we go over design and implementation practices you can follow to build an application with virtually limitless scalability on AWS within an hour. We even share insights and secret tips on how to make the most out of one of the services released during the morning keynote.