AWS Summit Tel Aviv 2017: Deep Dive on Microservices and Docker

Опубликовано 31 июля 2017, 20:07
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You have heard how containers are great for running microservices, but running and managing large scale applications with microservices architectures is hard and often requires operating complex container management infrastructure. So what exactly is needed to get microservices to run in production at scale? In this session, we will explore the reasoning and concepts behind microservices and how containers simplify building microservices based applications, and we will walk through a number of patterns used by our customers to run their microservices platforms. We will also dive deep into some of the challenges of running microservices, such as load balancing, service discovery, and secrets management, and we’ll see how Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) can help address them. We will also demo how you can easily deploy complex microservices applications using Amazon ECS.
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