A.I. Experiments: Teachable Machine

233 084
Опубликовано 3 октября 2017, 15:04
Teachable Machine is an experiment that makes it easier for anyone to start exploring how machine learning works. It lets you teach a machine using your camera – live in the browser, no coding required. It’s built with a library called deeplearn.js, which makes it easier for any web developer to get into machine learning, by training and running neural nets right in the browser.

This experiment was a collaborative effort by friends from Støj (stoj.io), Use All Five (useallfive.com) and Creative Lab and PAIR teams at Google.

Check out the demo: teachablemachine.withgoogle.co...

Get the code: goo.gl/HWuSg8

Check out more A.I. Experiments: goo.gl/XMjRgP

Learn more about deeplearn.js: goo.gl/sug2y6

Fig Leaf Rag - distressed by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (goo.gl/hNRHCd)
Source: goo.gl/zFoVgi

Subscribe to the Google Developers Channel: goo.gl/mQyv5L