V8 Today and in the Future (Chrome Dev Summit 2017)

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Опубликовано 24 октября 2017, 21:04
Over the last year V8 has introduced a brand new interpreter and compiler specifically designed to make it easier to optimize for real-world javascript and new ES2015+ features.

In this video, Thomas Nattestad dives into what these changes mean for Javascript performance and how the V8 team evaluates improvements against the real world. He also discusses his work on new ECMAScript features and how you can start using them to write compact, idiomatic Javascript in production. Lastly, Thomas discusses the work the V8 team has done for the Node community and the new improvements that it has provided.

Check out the rest of the Chrome Dev Summit videos here: goo.gl/ekCoVu
Subscribe to the Google Chrome Developers channel: goo.gl/LLLNvf

event: Chrome Dev Summit 2017; re_ty: Publish;