AWS re:Invent 2017: DNS Demystified: Global Traffic Management with Amazon Route 53 (NET302)
21 425
Amazon Web Services791 тыс
Опубликовано 29 ноября 2017, 16:13
In this mid-level architecture session, we cover everything you need to get started with Amazon Route 53, AWS's highly available DNS service. Learn how to use public DNS, including routing techniques such as weighted round-robin, latency-based routing, and geo DNS. Learn also how to configure DNS failover using health checks, how and when to use private DNS within your VPC, and how Amazon Route 53 interacts with Amazon EC2's DNS for instance naming and DNS resolution across your network. We also walk through how to use Traffic Flow to manager traffic to your applications' globally distributed endpoints to optimize for constraints such as endpoint load, the health of your resources, geographic restrictions, and internet latency.
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