How to Read Media & Import Photos with the 5-in-1 Mobile Companion | MobileLite Wireless G2

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Опубликовано 26 июня 2015, 17:00 MobileLite Wireless app allows you to import photos from your mobile device, copy files between SD cards and USB storage, and work as a traditional card reader for your PC or Mac.

To import photos, select ‘Menu’, then select ‘Copy from Photos’. Next, choose the location of the copied photo(s) and continue to select the files to be imported. Once the selected files are chosen, proceed by selecting ‘Done.’
Simply look for DCIM folder in “Offline Files.” From there you can copy the folder to your USB drive of SD card.

The MobileLite Wireless G2 (MLWG2) is a versatile 5-in-1 Mobile Companion. It lets you extend your storage, battery charger, media streaming, media reader, and Wi-Fi access point for your mobile devices. Learn more

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