Web Assembly - (The Standard, Ep. 13)

9 048
177 дней – 1742:00
Noise Lab: Dimensions
Опубликовано 3 сентября 2018, 17:06
Web Assembly (WASM) is a binary file with its own format, in which you can turn any programming language, such as C and C++, and run it in your user browser like you would any other JavaScript (JS) code. It is fast, efficient, and you can use the language of your choice instead of having to learn the special language of JS. In this video, Alex demonstrates an example of how WASM is used.

Alex's blog post - Extending the browser with WebAssembly → bit.ly/2NcYdbs

Reference Links:
Supported languages that can be compiled to WASM → bit.ly/2NzhBfG
WASM Codelab → bit.ly/2MFoTSW

Watch more videos from the series → bit.ly/2OHyt42

Remember to subscribe to the Chrome Developers Channel for more updates → bit.ly/ChromeDevs1
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