Fedora 29 Workstation - See What's New

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Linux Scoop126 тыс
18.04.22 – 86 0158:34
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS : What's New?
Опубликовано 12 ноября 2018, 14:34
Fedora 29 Workstation is the new release of Fedora Linux Distribution, ships with the latest GNOME 3.30 as default desktop environment and powered by the latest Linux Kernel 4.18 series. Also, include the latest most of GNOME 3.30 applications.

GNOME Software now supports automatic updates for Flatpak in Fedora 29. Flatpak is a next-generation technology for building and distributing desktop applications on Linux. It makes it easy for software makers to support multiple distributions with one format.

GNOME Boxes now supports connecting to remote Windows machines using RDP. You can attach to Windows systems from the comfort and security of your Fedora Workstation, with the same easy interface as your virtual machines.

Download Fedora 29: getfedora.org/workstation
Download Fedora 29 Silver Blue: silverblue.fedoraproject.org/d...


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