Amazon FSx for Lustre: Fully Managed File System for Compute-Intensive Workloads

Опубликовано 17 апреля 2019, 16:45
Amazon FSx for Lustre is a fully managed file system that is optimized for compute-intensive workloads, such as high-performance computing, machine learning, and media data processing workflows. Learn more at -

With Amazon FSx, you can launch and run a Lustre file system that can process massive data sets at up to hundreds of gigabytes per second of throughput, millions of IOPS, and sub-millisecond latencies. Amazon FSx for Lustre is seamlessly integrated with S3, and helps you cost-optimize your storage for compute-intensive workloads: It provides cheap and performant non-replicated storage for processing data, with your long-term data stored durably in Amazon S3 or other low-cost data stores.