GCP vs. Firebase - Projects & storage

41 935
Опубликовано 22 января 2020, 0:00
In this episode of GCP Essentials, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine goes over the relationship between Firebase and Google Cloud Platform. Stay tuned to find out how the two platforms have a lot in common and were conceived to nicely complement one another!

Firebase → goo.gle/2EXLSCp
Firebase & Google Cloud Platform - Better together → goo.gle/2t42Xbc
What’s the relationship between Firebase and Google Cloud? → goo.gle/39hYuSy
Google Cloud and Firebase billing for your project is shared → goo.gle/2ZpilL8
User roles and permissions for your project is shared → goo.gle/39hHzzx
Data & Storage Overview → goo.gle/3667B7e

The GCP Essentials Playlist → goo.gle/2w9xfHR

Subscribe to the Google Cloud Platform Channel to learn more about our products → goo.gle/2YCBRCn

product: Cloud Storage; fullname: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine;
