#MiSteryBOX: 9 Reasons Why #RedmiNote9 Is The True Quad Camera Hotshot! | @Martijn Wester

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Xiaomi6.06 млн
205 дней – 2 1930:21
What you see VS what #RedmiPadPro sees
Опубликовано 20 июня 2020, 13:00
What makes the #RedmiNote9 stand out?

In this latest episode of #MiSteryBox, Martijn shares his 9 reasons why #RedmiNote9 is the true quad-camera hotshot!

@Martijn Wester is a YouTuber and Mi Explorer, here is his channel: youtube.com/user/kan3m0chi

Mi-Stery BOX is an IP and video program from Xiaomi. We invite Mi fan or YouTuber, to experience and interpret Xiaomi's products through such boxes.

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