RTX 3080 Scalpers are JERKS - WAN Show September 18 , 2020

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Опубликовано 19 сентября 2020, 2:10
Learn more about the MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK Motherboard on Amazon at geni.us/sxc6m or Newegg at geni.us/fudnna

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Timestamps: (Courtesy of Michael O'Brien)
00:00:00 - Stream Start!
00:00:04 - Hey, what's up guys!?
00:00:15 - Topic #3: Apple Fall Event (Jump to 00:39:41)
00:00:19 - Topic #2: RTX 3080 & Scalping (Jump to 00:16:15)
00:00:26 - Topic #4: PS5 Pricing Announcement (Jump to 00:51:47)
00:00:55 - Topic #5: TikTok & WeChat Banned ( not covered )
00:01:04 - Topic #1: NVIDIA Kills SLI (Jump to 00:03:11)
00:01:36 - Intro
00:02:14 - Unofficial Topic #1: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Passing
00:03:11 - Topic #1: NVIDIA Kills SLI
00:03:46 - And that is a kill steal, time of death, cause fo death
00:05:51 - Bummed Linus, but why?
00:07:01 - Compared to NVLink
00:08:34 - What is actually happening
00:10:33 - Games with native support
00:11:33 - Why should this not matter, practically
00:13:51 - Big vs little x 2
00:15:00 - Inte Xe ("ex-ee", not "zee") note
00:16:15 - Topic #2: Scalping w/ RTX 3080
00:16:33 - Hardware Canucks' response
00:17:25 - Linus' Good 'Ole Days as an NCIS Product Manager
00:21:51 - TechTuber's responses & reason
00:24:11 - Community of End User's response
00:27:33 - Manufacturer's expectations over the years
00:29:33 - Reviewer & "Buddy" promotion of new products
00:30:27 - lttstore.com - RGB Keyboard T-Shirts - Limited Edition
00:32:23 - Maybe no LTX 2021
00:34:40 - LTT CPU T-Shirt prize winner update
00:35:48 - Sponsors!
00:36:57 - Backblaze - backblaze.com/wan
00:37:48 - MSA MAG B550 Tomahawk - Link in description
00:39:41 - Topic #3: Apple Fall Event
00:39:48 - Spec breakdown
00:40:33 - Apple vs Android
00:41:40 - Luke's pondering with Linus
00:44:04 - Tablets vs large phones & UX
00:46:08 - Use case of tablets today
00:47:58 - Apple Watch details + Linus' watch idea
00:50:56 - [Apple] Watch SE
00:51:47 - Topic #4: PS5 Pricing Announcement
00:51:47 - XBox vs PS5, who won? FIGHT!
00:53:03 - Linus BANS Luke
00:53:49 - Sony's Plan vs Microsoft's Plan
00:55:24 - Luke's counter argument
00:57:47 - Console + subscriptions costs
01:01:45 - Linus' take on consoles vs PC gaming
01:04:55 - Linus' thoughts on being a gamer
01:07:24 - Overall thoughts on console market positioning
01:08:39 - Speculation on Nintendo Switch Pro
01:12:03 - Note #1: TikTok & WeChat Banned
01:12:09 - Note #2: NVIDIA's ARM/Arm purchase
01:12:42 - Note #3: lttstore.com is hiring
01:13:55 - 6 positions are open for hiring
01:14:41 - pseudo-hiring for LTT forums
01:17:36 - Superchats!
01:18:45 - RTX 8000 Quadro vs RTX 3080
01:19:02 - LTT Merch = Linus' wardrobe?
01:20:51 - LMG Pizza Party Day!
01:22:07 - PS5 Game prices
01:22:45 - Bye!
01:22:47 - Outro!