We Answer The CALL OF DUTY With NVIDIA's Reflex Low Latency

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Newegg723 тыс
Опубликовано 30 апреля 2021, 16:00
NVIDIA Reflex is one of the best new overall systems to make sure you’re gaming at peak level, that’s why we here at Newegg are so excited to introduce it to all you serious gamers out there.
System latency is the time it takes for your keyboard or mouse click to reflect on onto display. The signal passes through the input device to the CPU, through a rendering queue to the GPU and finally onto your screen where you see it.

It's usually a matter of milliseconds, and virtually undetectable, until it is.

Lower system latency helps you acquire targets faster, improve your aiming precision, and mitigate any advantage those pesky peekers have. The new NVIDIA Reflex reduces system latency to boost your PCs responsiveness. This is especially important to your precision when aiming.

We saw numerous gameplay benefits while running Call of Duty Cold War. The increased smoothness improved our precision so drastically that it was much easier to get a K.O. even in difficult scenarios. Some of the toughest opponents we faced online were taken down purely because of the added benefits granted by our high refresh rate.

Any gamer out there running a 900 series or later GeForce graphics card can enjoy all of the benefits of NVIDIA’s Reflex Low Latency, even if you aren’t working off of a G-SYNC Display.
But since we were working with the ASUS ROG Swift eSports G-SYNC Gaming Monitor, we were experiencing refresh rates of up to 360 Hz.

We were looking at the lowest system latency we’d ever seen with a gaming monitor. Input lag wasn’t even a factor as we were sniping. Precision aiming is critical in these games, and so getting any advantage, no matter how small it may seem, was enough to level up our performance.

If you’re playing a game like Call of Duty Warzone, be sure to install the latest graphics driver from GeForce Experience. Then go into your settings, open up options, then graphics. Scroll down to the NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency, and toggle those settings to your heart’s content.

“On” will be your primary latency saver, which reduces latency in GPU bound scenarios.
“On plus boost” will help to reduce a small amount of latency in heavily CPU bound scenarios.
We found that when we had boost disabled, we were still able to get some primo sniping in, but there were a handful of moments where just a frame or two made all the difference.

At 60 frames per second on a 60Hz monitor you can expect 50-70 ms of system latency. With some of the more advanced monitors on the market running NVIDIA Reflex, that rate could drop to 49, 29, or even 21. We even saw the occasional dip into the single digits.

To measure your render latency, install the GeForce Experience beta, go into your settings, and enable your “experimental features.” Then when you’re gaming, press Alt R to bring up your performance overlay. You want to have the lowest latency possible to maximize your performance.

We know that high end monitors are not in everyone’s budget, so really any display in the ASUS TUF line would be a great alternative for a high-end gaming experience that doesn’t break the bank.

NVIDIA Reflex is a great way to gain a competitive edge when it comes to your aiming game. Using this in tandem with the new ASUS ROG Swift monitor is a great way optimize your gaming experience even further.
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