How to assess and calculate the cost of critical wireless connectivity options

Опубликовано 4 января 2022, 13:30
How can you work out whether or not installing a #privatewirelessnetwork makes financial sense to your enterprise? Our podcast will give you insight into the subject.

Modern industrial enterprises have a variety of #connectivity requirements. At most sites, there is a combination of two different needs. Admin functions can be supported by a traditional mobile operator’s coverage and an IT team, but critical applications are driven more by the operational #technology (OT) side of the business.

#Privatewireless tech focuses on the OT element of #communication and applications, while the IT side is handled more by familiar tech such as ethernet or #wifi.

At a time when more and more assets need to be connected, the OT team need the same level of performance and #reliability that used to be delivered by wired connectivity.

Wi-fi has improved significantly, but mostly in terms of increased #capacity and user #performance. There are still some significant challenges when it comes to meeting #OT requirements. In terms of reliability, private wireless networks make a major difference.

Not all #applications need extremely low latency, but it needs to be stable. When you plug a LAN cable into a machine, you are almost guaranteed to get 100mg performance – and OT teams expect that from #wireless technology.

4G and #5G have raised security standards, which – allied with the use of SIM cards and end-to-end encryption – makes for extremely robust systems.

Another aspect that is important for OT is the ability to have a single #wireless network for all applications. This is especially beneficial in industrial sites that have multiple networks for different applications.

The final important consideration is #mobility. At a location such as a port or a mine, the #mobile credentials of 4.9G LTE networks are crucial when it comes to reliability, low latency and a high data rate.

Whereas wi-fi is geared for IT and office communications, private wireless is better suited to the critical OT piece.

So when does private wireless make sense from a cost perspective for an enterprise? Our research suggests that the increased cost in terms of spectrum, sales and the core network are offset once you have an industrial site of more than 25,000 square metres of indoor space.