Developing on PostgreSQL for Cloud Spanner

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Опубликовано 21 января 2022, 5:00
Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL interface →
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Google Cloud recently announced the new PostgreSQL interface for Cloud Spanner. This new interface makes Cloud Spanner’s scalability and availability more open and accessible to developers. Watch as Derek Downey, Developer Relations Engineer at Google Cloud, demonstrates how easy it is to set up a Spanner database with the new PostgreSQL interface and leverage it in a python-based app. You can even connect to the interface using the psql command line tool! Check out this great way to modernize your organization’s relational database while keeping costs under control!

0:00 - Intro
0:20 - PostgreSQL interface overview
1:03 - Enable the PostgreSQL interface
2:26 - Using the native Spanner Python client
3:24 - PGadapter overview
4:00 - Using psql with the Spanner PostgreSQL interface
4:32 - Conclusion

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#CloudSpanner #PostgreSQL

product: Cloud - Databases - Cloud Spanner; fullname: Derek Downey;