61 день – 4 31011:34
RAG with LangChain on Google Cloud
Опубликовано 6 февраля 2022, 0:00
Learn more about IAM → goo.gle/34xeIcV

In this episode of VM End-to-End, Developer Advocates Carter Morgan and Brian Dorsey chat with Developer Advocate for Google Cloud, Emanuel Burgess, about Identity and Access Management (IAM). Watch for a high-level overview of identity and access, as well as to learn which method of authentication is best for your needs!

0:00 - Intro
1:28 - High-level overview of identity and access
3:03 - Programmatic access to resources
4:21 - Short-lived tokens
5:56 - Authenticating external resources
8:13 - Determining which auth method to use
9:21 - Where to find more info on auth and access
9:44 - Recap

VM End To End Playlist → goo.gle/VMEndToEnd
Subscribe to Google Cloud Tech → goo.gle/GoogleCloudTech


product: Cloud - General; fullname: Carter Morgan, Brian Dorsey;