Google Cloud Platform1.21 млн
Опубликовано 1 июня 2022, 23:00
Cloud Spanner instance configuration →
With granular instance sizing, it has never been easier or more cost effective to try Cloud Spanner for your data workloads. Watch and learn how granular instance sizing can enable you to use Spanner from a much smaller starting point, and at lower cost.
If you have ever wanted to try Cloud Spanner, now is the time.
Go under the hood and to learn all things #CloudSpanner →
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With granular instance sizing, it has never been easier or more cost effective to try Cloud Spanner for your data workloads. Watch and learn how granular instance sizing can enable you to use Spanner from a much smaller starting point, and at lower cost.
If you have ever wanted to try Cloud Spanner, now is the time.
Go under the hood and to learn all things #CloudSpanner →
Subscribe to Google Cloud Tech →
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