Опубликовано 6 июня 2022, 23:00
Cluster Types → goo.gle/3GNvTWI
Private Cluster Architecture → goo.gle/3xazU4o
IP Masquerade Agent → goo.gle/3zd9Oiy

What is Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and where does it sit within Google’s infrastructure? In this video, Networking Specialist Lorin Price will give a brief overview of GKE and discuss some networking concepts to better implement, secure, and connect your containerized applications.

0:00 - Intro
1:49 - VPC native cluster overview
3:37 - Public and private cluster control planes
5:05 - IP masquerade agent
5:47 - Accessing services
9:26 - Network security considerations
10:39 - Summary

Service of type:LoadBalancer → goo.gle/3M41CUl
Ingress → goo.gle/3PVCJxf
Gateway API → goo.gle/3t9FyBd

Watch more episodes of Networking End to End → goo.gle/NetworkingEndToEnd
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