Google Cloud Platform1.2 млн
Опубликовано 11 июня 2022, 4:00
Creating and managing custom roles →
Vault Plugin: Google Cloud Platform CA Service →
Do you use Hashicorp Vault for secret management? Need to deploy a scalable Certificate Authority? Luckily, Google's Certificate Authority Service (CAS) simplifies private certificate management, and runs at scale. Watch this video to see how you can connect HashiCorp Vault with Certificate Authority Service with a proxy solution!
0:00 - Intro
0:43 - Add a plug in for Vault
1:31 - Deploying the plug in code
2:11 - Certificate permissions
2:30 - Wrap up
Certificate Authority Service playlist →
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Vault Plugin: Google Cloud Platform CA Service →
Do you use Hashicorp Vault for secret management? Need to deploy a scalable Certificate Authority? Luckily, Google's Certificate Authority Service (CAS) simplifies private certificate management, and runs at scale. Watch this video to see how you can connect HashiCorp Vault with Certificate Authority Service with a proxy solution!
0:00 - Intro
0:43 - Add a plug in for Vault
1:31 - Deploying the plug in code
2:11 - Certificate permissions
2:30 - Wrap up
Certificate Authority Service playlist →
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