Google Cloud Platform1.2 млн
Опубликовано 15 ноября 2022, 17:00
BigQuery →
Are you working with separate systems to analyze structured and unstructured data? Introducing BigQuery object tables, a new type of table in BigQuery that provides a structured record interface for unstructured data in Google Cloud Storage. Watch to see how object tables extend Google data cloud’s best practices of securing, sharing, and governing structured data to unstructured, without needing to learn or deploy new tools.
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Are you working with separate systems to analyze structured and unstructured data? Introducing BigQuery object tables, a new type of table in BigQuery that provides a structured record interface for unstructured data in Google Cloud Storage. Watch to see how object tables extend Google data cloud’s best practices of securing, sharing, and governing structured data to unstructured, without needing to learn or deploy new tools.
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