English Google SEO office-hours from April 2024

7 191
8 дней – 4 5114:52
Anatomy of a Search Result
Опубликовано 18 апреля 2024, 13:00
This is an audio-only recording of the Google SEO office-hours from April 2024 - a transcript is available at goo.gle/SEO-april24.

These sessions cover topics submitted around anything search and website-owner related like crawling, indexing, mobile sites, internationalization, duplicate content, Sitemaps, Search Console, pagination, duplicate content, multi-lingual/multi-regional sites, etc. The answers are compiled by the Google Search Relations team.

Need site-specific help? Post your question in the Google Search Central Help Community, and get answers from our Product Experts and other experienced web professionals: goo.gle/sc-forum.

Do you have a question about Google Search or SEO? It might be a good fit for the office hours. You can submit your question for Google SEO Office Hours here: goo.gle/seo-oh.

0:00 - Intro
0:33 - Is it likely my rankings have dropped because Google found out I have two websites?
1:10 - Does it matter if one uses underscores or hyphens to separate keywords in the URL?
1:45 - How do I tell Google not to crawl and index only paginated search results on my site? Should I use "follow, noindex"?
2:56 - Should I continue counting impressions and clicks from an old domain after a new address relaunch?
3:13 - Should I use hashtag color or ?color in the URL for a T-shirt product with different colors in a dropdown?
3:51 - How do I remove my website from Google Search?
5:01 - When linking to a URL with a highlighted text feature, does the PageRank flow to the page in the same way?
5:55 - If my site is down (503 status code) 4 times a week, for 10-15 mins, is that a concern for SEO?
6:40 - I changed the Facebook page URL to a new one. What do I need to do next?
7:24 - My site disappeared from search results after it was transferred from WordPress to self-publishing.
7:58 - If we switch to another website hosting provider, will this have a negative and lasting effect on our SEO rankings?
8:23 - Google is indexing URLs from my website which seem to have been created by a bot in Chinese.
9:07 - We have blocked some IPs from App Engine and when we submit sitemaps, we get the HTTP 403 error.
9:33 - How do I remove the old cached version of my site from Google Search results?
10:15 - Can I use Indexing API for a real estate ad?
10:44 - Is it ok to integrate headlines in images as HTML text (e.g. as an H1 tag)?
11:13 - Is there any sanction if a website has a hidden burger menu with the same links as the desktop menu?
11:28 - Can you use multiple hreflang tags to indicate preferred locations if a domain is using a regional subdomain?
12:08 - Should I create a new Search Console property when moving my website from HTTP to HTTPS?
12:27 - How can I fix fake 404s hitting my site from an external source? Is it related to a ranking drop?
13:02 - Does the Google account used to verify a domain in Search Console have to match the owner of the new website?
13:39 - Does a sitemap file name have to be sitemap.xml or sitemap_index.xml? And is it mandatory to have a sitemap?
14:08 - Should I redirect my mobile site URL to my desktop URL instead of responsive web design or dynamic serving?
14:44 - Wrap up

Check out past office hours → goo.gle/gsc-seo-oh
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