English Google SEO office-hours from August 2024

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Опубликовано 21 августа 2024, 13:00
This is an audio-only recording of the Google SEO office-hours from April 2024 - a transcript is available at goo.gle/SEO-august24.

These sessions cover topics submitted around anything search and website-owner related like crawling, indexing, mobile sites, internationalization, duplicate content, Sitemaps, Search Console, pagination, duplicate content, multi-lingual/multi-regional sites, etc. The answers are compiled by the Google Search Relations team.

Need site-specific help? Post your question in the Google Search Central Help Community, and get answers from our Product Experts and other experienced web professionals: goo.gle/sc-forum.

Do you have a question about Google Search or SEO? It might be a good fit for the office hours. You can submit your question for Google SEO Office Hours here: goo.gle/seo-oh.

0:00 - Intro
0:28 - My website is in English and Swahili. The English pages are almost always indexed but not the Swahili ones, why?
1:17 - Can using a lot of nofollow or noindex tags signal to Google that the site has many low quality pages?
2:08 - My website has a lot of 404s. Would I lose my site's rankings if I don't redirect them?
3:22 - When using an image from a CDN, does the response speed determine whether the image appears in search?
4:02 - I no longer have access to SC. How do I remove URLs so that after my domain expires, a new owner can't misuse it?
5:06 - Can multiple subdomains for various markets with the same content rank specifically for the intended markets?
5:50 - My rich results show the wrong currency. Can you help me resolve this issue?
6:36 - How do I mitigate targeted scraping and performance issues?
7:46 - On Search Console I have a shopping tab, but my website is not an online shop. How can I fix it?
8:20 - Could a YouTube video and the exact same text or content on the same webpage be flagged as duplicate content?
8:52 - How can we ensure proper prices are displayed in organic text results for products on a retail website?
9:22 - Would aggregated reviews from a specific service via structured data for products in our shop impact our SEO?
9:50 - Does Google crawl subfolders in a URL path which don't have pages? Would it be a problem?
10:36 - Why does Google crawl our hacked pages even after a year?
11:13 - I’m based in France, but I want to target the US market with my online shop. Should I change anything in SC?
11:56 - I run website audits. Some suggested things that weren’t stated in the Search Central docs. Does it matter for SEO?
12:39 - I’m having issues with indexing since updating our WordPress Plugins. Help!
13:19 - Do UTMs in a link with the medium referral remove the SEO value of a backlink?
13:35 - How can Software as a Service (SAAS) companies ensure their login page appears in their sitelinks?
14:19 - What is the SEO impact of leaving user comments unanswered under blog posts?
14:44 - Why does my robots.txt file show as a soft 404 in Google Search Console while it is visible to users?
15:07 - It looks like I am missing the X-Robots-Tag. How do I resolve this issue?
15:56 - How can I fix a page with a redirect issue? I have international websites. They use Geo IP redirects.
17:00 - If the law for calculating the circumference of a circle is 2πR, then the condition for the existence of a real circle…
17:43 - I changed my website a year ago and did a lot of work on SEO. Should this be affecting my website's traffic by now?
18:48 - Bad actors are trying to make our site appear untrustworthy by sending fake traffic to my site. Help!
19:29 - Will modifying the page meta title and description affect the current rankings?
20:08 - How do I increase my Google Search Console property limit without making multiple accounts?
20:27 - Wrap up

International sites → goo.gle/3WtolAL
404s and your site → goo.gle/3SS0Dge
Merchant Center feeds → goo.gle/3ySsnKS
Robots meta tags → goo.gle/3ySsq9w

Watch more English Google SEO Office Hours → goo.gle/gsc-seo-oh
Subscribe to the Google Search Central YouTube Channel → goo.gle/SearchCentral

#SEO #Google

Speakers: John Mueller, Martin Splitt
Products Mentioned: Search Console - General