Why are Web Extensions fantastic for AI?

2 542
6 часов – 2 2193:04
Re-imagine the power of the web
Опубликовано 27 ноября 2024, 14:02
In this talk David Li (PM, Chrome at Google) will showcase the potential of AI and Chrome Extensions. Chrome Extensions allow you to control the browser, observe web content, and add your own UI. When combined, AI and Chrome Extensions can make the browsing experience truly helpful and more productive. This talk will give an overview on how extensions on the WebStore are using AI today and where we see the biggest potential.

Extensions and AI webpage → goo.gle/3BEbK71

See more Web AI talks → goo.gle/web-ai
Subscribe to Chrome for Developers → goo.gle/ChromeDevs

Speaker: David Li
Products mentioned: AI for the web, Google Chrome Browser, Chrome Browser Automation, Chrome Extensions, Chrome, Chrome Web Platform, Web AI, Web apps, Web Assembly (Wasm), Web Platform in Chrome, WebAssembly for Chrome, WebGPU, Generative AI, AI, Google AI, Google AI Edge, Responsible AI, TensorFlow, Hugging Face Models