Google I/O 2009 - Implement Your Own Visualization Datasource

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Опубликовано 29 мая 2009, 19:48
Google I/O 2009 - Implementing Your Own Visualization Datasource

Itai Raz, Nir Bar-Lev, Jesse Lorenz

-- Contents --
0:05 - Agenda
1:00 - What is Google Visualization API?
9:30 - Remote Data Source
14:32 - The Java Open Source Data Source library
17:04 - Java Data Source Demo
31:48 - Data Source implementation
43:20 - Q&A
-- End --

This session will focus on building a server-side data source compatible with the Visualization API. It will cover the following topics: Using available Libraries for generic data sources, writing a datasource, and datasources on AppEngine.

For presentation slides and all I/O sessions, please go to: