The Economics of Tape versus Cloud: The Real Costs

Опубликовано 23 августа 2016, 4:28
Tape has been the medium of choice for backup and archive in enterprise organizations for more than half a century. This isn’t surprising, as magnetic tape has been at the forefront of data storage technology for the past few decades. But, now the cloud has begun to offer more compelling solutions and the opportunity to use cloud archiving services and to dispense with traditional in-house technology.

Having worked as a Backup Admin and used both tape and cloud storage, Dave Elliot, Product Lead for Google Cloud Storage, is going to provide a truthful comparison on the costs of tape versus cloud.

Topics covered include:
- Capital and operational cost for tape and cloud
- Is cloud backup right for organizations with low internet bandwidth?
- An online calculator to compare tape vs cloud
- Introduction to Google Cloud Storage Nearline and its benefits