How to use a Keyboard and Mouse on PS4 & Xbox One ! - Titan One Review ! COD Advanced Warfare [HD]

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Techmagnet458 тыс
Опубликовано 14 февраля 2015, 2:53

The TItan One is a mouse and keyboard adapter for consoles. Do PS4, PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One players gain an unfair advantage when playing first-person shooters such as Destiny, Call of Duty, Battlefield 4 or even other multiplayer games like GTA 5 and Call of Duty Advanced Warfare?

The "Titan One" does 4 main things -

#1 Cross-over Gaming
#2 Precision Mouse & Keyboard Control
#3 Fully Modded Controller - No Soldering, No Wires, No Chips, No Voiding your Warranty ! Rapidfire supported !
#4 Macro Programming - Imagine 88 Ultra Hit "Killer Instinct" combo & Mortal Kombat Fatalities with the press of a single button!

But how good does it perform ? is it better than the cronus max and XIM4 ?

What do you think? Is it unfair to play with a keyboard and mouse against players who are using standard controllers? Do you plan on getting it?