Windows goes holographic, BlackBerry goes nuts | Pocketnow Weekly 132 (Podcast)

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Is Too Thin & Light a Good Thing?
Опубликовано 23 января 2015, 19:36
For links to all stories mentioned, as well as the high-quality audio version of the podcast, check this post on Pocketnow: /2015/01/23/pocketnow-weekly-132-windows-holographic

Windows 10, Windows Holographic, and an 84-inch Microsoft Surface – say whaaaaat? A Galaxy S6 Edge with dual curves and an HTC M9 with a square camera? Get outta town! Hackers hacking the very fabric of the cellular network to listen in on your calls to grandma? Shut the front door.

And hold on to your hats, because that's not all. BlackBerry's CEO seems to think net neutrality entitles his smartphones to more third-party apps, Google might be dipping its toes in MVNO waters once more, and Sharp –bless it– refuses to let flip-phones die!

The techno-world is going plum crazy, folks, and before we run out of incredulous expressions, we better get to talking about it. All of the above, plus a slick smattering of listener mail, lies ahead; join us, won't you? Pocketnow Weekly 132 is waiting for your participation –either through the live video stream at 12:15pm Eastern on January 23 (click here for your local time), or the high-quality audio version available later on– and shoot your questions to podcast [AT] pocketnow [DOT] com for a shot at getting your question read aloud on the air. See you then!

Pocketnow Weekly 132

Recording Date

January 23, 2015


Michael Fisher (

Stephen Schenck (

Joe Levi (


Jules Wang (

Podcast Rundown



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Microsoft shows off Windows 10 on smartphones

Cortana announced for the PC as part of Windows 10

Microsoft announces Project Spartan, the future of web browsing on Windows

Microsoft unveils Windows Holographic

Microsoft Surface Hub technical details start arriving

Everyone else

How Google may become a carrier of its own

More HTC One M9, M9 Plus leaks attempt to leak upcoming hardware

Samsung Galaxy S6 announcement on March 2, pre-MWC, says report

Galaxy S6 rumors double down on dual-curve theory

The flip phone lives on with new Sharp Android model

Learn Something


A segment from our resident Android expert and web authority Joe Levi, chock full of information for you to apply directly to your forehead. On today's installment, a write-in suggestion from listener Brendon Pifer: it's about security, and you better listen hard (because someone else might be listening to you mighty hard).

Are hackers using an SS7 vulnerability to spy on your phone calls?

Context: German researchers discover a flaw that could let anyone listen to your cell calls + Companies are now selling the ability to track your phone number wherever you go

Dial F for Fail


A segment from our top news wrangler about injustice, misdeeds, and general foolishness within the mobile industry. Today’s topic: BlackBerry's CEO and his interesting interpretation of the biggest internet debate of the century.

Net Neutrality ain't got bunk to do with apps ... but could BlackBerry have a point?

Context: BlackBerry hijacks net neutrality conversation to complain about lack of apps

Listener Mail


E-mailed submissions from Christopher Drummer, Grant Butler, and Michael McGrath


It may just sound like a ringtone to you, but our transition music track ("Radiation") is a real song, from a real album, by a real artist: Ali Spagnola. You can download that album, along with many others, at Ali's website (, visit her YouTube page (, and follow her on Twitter (!

Thanks for listening! We'll see you next week.


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Windows goes holographic, BlackBerry goes nuts | Pocketnow Weekly 132 (Podcast)
