Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2005 — Embedded Systems and Robotics Research

Опубликовано 7 сентября 2016, 16:08
This session will highlight some of the exciting embedded systems research activities that Microsoft and its academic partners have been working on recently. Stewart Tansley, Program Manager for Embedded Systems and Robotics at Microsoft Research, will introduce the session by summarizing the results and follow-ups to the international Embedded Systems RFP that held its wrap-up workshop since the previous Faculty Summit. Professor Hod Lipson from Cornell University, one of the winners of the RFP awards, will highlight some of his research in robotics and place this in the broader context of his bold research agenda in evolvable machines and computational synthesis. Steve Bathiche, R&D Program Manager in Microsoft Hardware, and Andy Wilson, Researcher at Microsoft Research, will then present an example of the robotics-related research going on at Microsoft, focusing on his research platform for exploring human-robot interaction.