Synthesis from Temporal Specifications

Опубликовано 7 сентября 2016, 16:59
One of the most ambitious goals in the field of verification is to automatically produce designs from their specifications, a process called {\em synthesis}. We are interested in {\em reactive systems}, systems that continuously interact with other programs, users, or their environment (like operating systems or CPUs). The complexity of reactive system does not necessarily arise from computing complicated functions but rather from the fact that they have to be able to react to all possible inputs and maintain their behaviour forever. Classical solutions to synthesis use either two player games or tree automata and require the construction of deterministic automata. However, determinization for automata on infinite words is extremely complicated and does not work well in practice. Here we suggest a syntactic approach that restricts the kind of properties users are allowed to write. We claim that this approach is general enough and can be extended to cover most properties written in practice. The main advantage of our approach is that it is tailored to the use of BDDs and uses the structure of given properties to handle them more efficiently. We discuss how to extend our approach to handle more general properties and a few open issues.