Solar Revolution: The Economic Transformation Of The Global Energy Industry

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Опубликовано 8 сентября 2016, 17:04
Solar energy will be the cheapest source of energy in nearly all markets and locations because PV (photovoltaic) cells can bypass the aging and fragile electricity grid and deliver its power to the end user, fundamentally changing the underlying economics of energy.  As the scale of PV production increases and costs continue to decline at historic rates, demand for PV electricity will outpace supply of systems for years to come. Yet, the shift from fossil fuels to solar energy will take place not because it is better for the environment or energy security, or because of some yet undeveloped technology; it is already occurring through decisions made by self interested energy users and all of these facts will impact us and be as transformative as the last century’s revolutions in energy, transportation and communication. How will we find the way to sustainable energy practices as we move forward? Purchase book at Barnes and