Polymer in Practice @ Comcast (Polymer Summit 2016)

4 840
Опубликовано 18 октября 2016, 12:18
Comcast is an early adopter of Polymer, having been building production web applications since version 0.3. Now millions of Comcast customers are using websites and web applications that are built with Polymer. This session will walk through our transformation from early skepticism about a new technology choice to widespread enthusiasm for Polymer throughout the largest cable TV & Internet provider in the United States. You will learn about how easy it is to onboard a team to Polymer, tips for sharing components with other websites & across teams, and best practices Comcast has established for efficient development & deployment of web components.

Missed the summit? Catch the recordings at: polymer-project.org/summit

Or watch more videos here: goo.gl/XDWHzT

Subscribe to the channel: youtube.com/chromedevelopers

Music by Terra Monk: goo.gl/9BkpNH