Why the web makes sense for business apps - Vaadin (Polymer Summit 2016)

4 601
Опубликовано 18 октября 2016, 12:49
Web Components and Progressive Web App technologies offer a solution to fragmented development and runtime environments by allowing you to reuse code between both frameworks and platforms. Vaadin works simplifies the development of business apps by providing UI components and tools that are focused on helping business app developers. In this talk, you will learn how Polymer components can be used in Angular 2 and how we are making web components customizable, so you can easily adapt them to the look and feel of your company and platform.

Missed the summit? Catch the recordings at: polymer-project.org/summit

Or watch more videos here: goo.gl/XDWHzT

Subscribe to the channel: youtube.com/chromedevelopers

Music by Terra Monk: goo.gl/9BkpNH