Which Parts Of The Brain Do What?

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MinuteEarth3.04 млн
257 дней – 63 4360:31
Eclipse pun battle 💥🥊
Опубликовано 20 сентября 2016, 16:39
Thanks to audible.com/minuteearth for sponsoring this video.

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Thanks also to our supporters on patreon.com/MinuteEarth :
- Maarten Bremer
- Jeff Straathof
- Today I Found Out
- Tony Fadell
- Muhammad Shifaz
- Mark Roth
- Melissa Vigil
- Valentin
- Alberto Bortoni

Our functional map of the brain has changed. Here's why.

Credits (and Twitter handles):
Script Writer: David Goldenberg (@dgoldenberg)
Script Editor: Emily Elert (@eelert)
Video Illustrator: Qingyang Chen
Video Director: Emily Elert (@eelert)
Video Narrator: Emily Elert (@eelert)
With Contributions From: Henry Reich, Alex Reich, Kate Yoshida, Ever Salazar and Peter Reich
Music by: Nathaniel Schroeder: soundcloud.com/drschroeder


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FYI: We try to leave jargon out of our videos, but if you want to learn more about this topic, here are some handy keywords to get your googling started:

Brain lesion: Damage to the brain caused by disease or injury.

Broca’s area: Region in the frontal lobe associated with speech production.

Fusiform face area: Structure near the back of the brain associated with facial recognition.

Hippocampus: Seahorse-shaped brain structure associated with memory formation.

Amygdala: Small brain structure associated with emotions and memories.

fMRI: An imaging procedure that measures brain activity by tracking changes associated with blood flow.


Rorden, C., Karnath, H. (2004). Using human brain lesions to infer function: a relic from a past era in the fMRI age? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5 (812-819). Retrieved from nature.com/nrn/journal/v5/n10/...

Barbey, A., Colom, R., Solomon, J., Kreuger, F., Forbes,C., Grafman, J. (2012). An integrative architecture for general intelligence and executive function revealed by lesion mapping. Brain,135 (1154-1164). Retrieved from brain.oxfordjournals.org/conte...

Yildirim, F., Sarikcioglu (2007). Marie Jean Pierre Flourens (1794–1867): an extraordinary scientist of his time. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 78(8) 852. Retrieved from ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/...

Barbey, A. (2016). Personal Communication.

Rorden, C. (2016). Personal Communication.